Inktober 2020 Days 29, 30, & 31

I really didn’t want to draw human footwear. I am very happy with how this came out.

The prompt on the 30th was “ominous” and I just, mentally, didn’t want to draw anything ominous. So instead, we get another heart.

I think next year I might come up with my own list of prompts or work from one of the other lists that are out there (like Artober, Drawtober, Drawlloween, or countless others).

I was having a hard time coming up with an image for crawl that wasn’t a baby or a snail until a friend suggested a crawlspace!

And with that another Inktober comes to a close. Thank you all for reading (or looking) at my posts this year. I hope your upcoming year is filled with art or artistic pursuits. Enjoy the simple things and smile! 🙂